Ecology Surveys and Consultancy Services
We offer a wide range of individually-tailored services for clients, from small individual sites or properties through to major blocks of land, including:
- Bird surveys for site evaluation in UK habitats
- Phase 1 and extended Phase 1 surveys for planning submission and planning appeal purposes
- Bat Surveys: Tim Reed is a NE level 2 qualified bat surveyor
- Badger surveys
- Detailed Phase 2 specialist surveys, using the leading associates in their fields
- Appraisals of Ecological Evidence offered for EIA and Environmental Statements (ES) documents by developers
- Research Reviews for applied and policy purposes
- Ornithological and Ecological Expert Witness at Public Inquiry: evaluating birds, bats,ecological data and survey methods and claims
- EIA Risk and Monitoring Study evaluation
- Training in how to identify the problems in data in EIA and Enviromental Statements put forward by Developers
- Research and evaluation of biodiversity impacts of major and minor projects: extractives and other sectors
- Field-level BES Appraisals
- Audit assessment of client performance in BES areas: including IFC Performance Standards (PS)
- Biodiversity Management Plans: including offsets, monitoring and indicators
- Editing and Report writing/ rewriting for technical and popular audiences
- Bespoke studies and reviews
- Public speaking on applied conservation matters
We work primarily throughout the UK, and across Europe and beyond as needed